Today's Thought (s)

Never ever for the sake of peace and quiet deny your own experience.

Live the life you love.

As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people; people who are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sickness Sucks/Same Old Song

     It's a brand new day, but it's the same ol' body with the same ol' pain, courtesy of Lupus stalking my body like a hungry lion, or a ravenous sharp toothed wolf for whom this cruel disease is named.  So it's another day of watching crime shows, "Criminal Minds," and "Stalker" being my current favorites.  Oh, almost forgot "Mysteries of Laura."  Thank goodness for good television programming.  Then, when I really want to get all dark and twisty, I pull up "Luther" on Amazon Prime.
     Spent part of last evening emailing five national newspapers with a plea-blurb re Lupus awareness and the need for funding research.  We need to develop medications geared specifically for Lupus. Of all the medications prescribed for Lupus, only one (Benlysta)  was actually developed for Lupus, and some insurance companies won't even cover it!  It has also been discovered that Benlysta doesn't seem to be effective in people of color, so clinical trials are being held, but not in nearly enough locations. Just for your edification, the medications currently used for Lupus are ones developed for other diseases and are often ineffective or just barely effective, with horrible side effects, but we keep taking them because we Lupies are an ever optimistic lot.  The vast majority of Lupus patients are female. Do we have a bit of sexism going on here? Many of us truly believe that if such a devastating disease was striking men down, no devil in hell with all of his minions could have kept development of Lupus-specific medicines and a laser focused search for a cure from happening.
    I have to go now, but in the immortal words of the Terminator, "I'll be back."  By the by, I've run out of Deathwish coffee and the Starbucks just ain't cuttin' it today. Gonna try some Chai Latte, just for something different.  Hopefully, it might do something good.  Send me a few good vibes, won't you?
Be well and stay fabulous!

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Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.