Today's Thought (s)

Never ever for the sake of peace and quiet deny your own experience.

Live the life you love.

As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people; people who are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.

Friday, October 17, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude

Hello Friends. It's another suck-y day in the part of my world that is Lupus, but as I stumbled about in my backyard getting some fresh air...yes, I said stumbled, because sometimes my balance is affected because of a bit of brain inflammation (it's called cerebritis); and when that is going on, it's safer to remain inside of the fence while I inhale the fresh air and enjoy the flowers that are still blooming even though it's the middle of October (yay!).

Anyway, I sat down (actually, sorta fell down) on the deck bench and was about to break into the ugly cry (y'all know what I'm talkin' about!)  because I was thinking how terrible it was that I was imprisoned in the backyard and not able to take a nice stroll through my beautiful neighborhood. 

Then I had a Full Stop moment because it hit me how very fortunate I am that I can easily breathe in the fresh air and my eyes can revel in the colorful flowers and the varied greens of the trees and bushes.   There are people who are unable to walk (even if it's a stumble) around in their yard; people who don't even have a nice yard to enjoy.   And though my eyesight is not always crystal clear,  it's a temporary thing that eventually passes, but there are those who are permanently in the dark or moving through a world that is a total blur.  If I could give this Lupus back to from whence it came, I would do so in a New York minute, but I'm going to try very hard to remember that my life is in many ways so much better than those of far too many others in the world.  When I find that I'm feeling sorry for myself because I've had to cancel my USO volunteer shift yet again due to Ms. Lupus deciding to be the boss of me that day or week, I will give myself permission to have a very short pity party, then put on my big girl knickers  and accomplish whatever it is that I can do at that particular time, even though it's only catching up with the DVR recordings of the television programs,  "Scandal" or "How To Get Away With Murder." We can put the older seasons of "Criminal Minds" in the queue, too, but this Season 10 is a big thumbs down, so far.

Anyhoo, there is always going to be something that isn't going to plan for each of us at one time or another, but we can choose to take stock and see what is going well and focus on that. There is usually more to smile about than there is to cry about.  We just don't focus enough attention on those things that are the everyday, and intentionally acknowledge that they are worth being grateful for. 

Challenge yourself to count your blessings rather than what you consider to be your curses, and I'll bet you'll be surprised that the former far outnumber the latter.

Thanks for hanging out with me for a few minutes, and I hope that you enjoy the heck out of your weekend!

Be well and stay fabulous!

1 comment:

Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.