Today's Thought (s)

Never ever for the sake of peace and quiet deny your own experience.

Live the life you love.

As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people; people who are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Art of Reinvention, Part 5


I thank you, Dear Readers for investing some of your precious time with me in your quest to become more of who you are; and of course the person who really deserves a lion’s share of the thanks is you! So find a mirrored surface and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” to yourself.

We have only been on this journey for a short time, and remember that you will always be journeying because your life on the planet will always be about becoming all of who you are meant to be. That doesn’t mean that you should be down on yourself for where you might currently find that you are at any given time. Instead, it means to look forward with expectancy toward the greater things ahead because you know in your heart that those great things are just awaiting your discovery.

And may I address greatness for a moment? Greatness has a different meaning  for different people… I have often lamented the fact that I’m just taking up space and not accomplishing fantastic, out of this world things. When I shared this with my therapist (Yes, I have one! I believe that we all need at least one unbiased person in our lives with whom we can have an honest conversation about any- and everything), she suggested that I work on coming to terms with the idea that not everything worthwhile has to be on a super-grand scale. Hmm-mm. You see, I am guilty of having always functioned in a superwoman mode, and when various things in life happened to me, my cape was taken away, but my superwoman belief system was still deeply ingrained in my psyche.

Sometimes, we put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve what we perceive are the big things because we equate worthy with big.  When we do that, we completely overlook the little things that have the power to mean so much to someone else. Example: I had to provide a Bio because I was sitting on a prestigious panel some years ago, and I was in a panic because I knew that the other women were “grand” in their accomplishments and then there was me.  What had I done -- nothing!?  Imagine my shock and bug eyes when my husband started listing the things that I had done. Wow! I. Was. Impressed. You see, many times the things that we do which are just automatic and normal to us because “we do what we do,” but to someone else, those very things are something to admire and to which another can aspire, and believe that they can reach because they saw that it had been done before; and you gave that gift of belief to them.

Also remember that you’re not in this thing all by yourself. We are all connected. Everything and everyone on the planet flows one into the other. Ask questions that will help you, but remember to use caution because everyone won’t be in your corner. Some people have not learned that there is enough for everybody in this world, and their scarcity thinking keeps them from wanting to share what they know because they are afraid that if you get something, then they won’t have enough. Believe in goodness, but watch your back.

As you continue to reassess yourself and adjust the direction of your travel, check in with your compass and then take the time to give yourself a thumbs up because you are the first and the most important one who needs to believe in yourself and where you’re going.  Until we meet again, Happy Trails!

For the space of this one moment, think a beautiful thought.
                                                               ...Sarah McCormick

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Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.