Today's Thought (s)

Never ever for the sake of peace and quiet deny your own experience.

Live the life you love.

As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people; people who are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why is "Casual Vacancy" So Pricey on Kindle?

I was looking forward to reading J.K. Rowling's new publication, but was dismayed to see that the publisher has very nearly doubled the price for the Kindle edition!  Fortunately, I can download and read a sample for free.  If I like it, I will probably borrow a copy from the library. Just my voice of protest on the publisher being so greedy.   As a consumer, vote with your pocketbook/wallet by keeping it closed until reasonableness returns to those who insist on swindling us.

The Taste of Dragon...fruit, that is

If you are a fan of kiwi fruit, then get thee to the fruit aisle at your grocer and treat yourself to dragonfruit!  It is reminiscent of kiwi and the flesh even looks like kiwi in white, but has a milder flavor.

Now, I don't know the nutritional value, specifically, but I'm thinking that it's up there. Try it; you might like it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Losing a Child

Can you imagine losing a child; as in a child who is in your care goes missing?  
 I'm reading a novel about that very thing. It's entitled "Year of Fog," and a seven year-old girl, who is in the care of the fiancee goes missing when the attention of the fiancee is diverted for what she perceives to be only a few seconds. 

This is a fictional story, but what if..?  It would be bad enough to lose your own child like that; but somebody else's child?! Oh, hell, no. What would you do? Tell me. It is so hard for me to even go to that place.  Then, I reflect on the number of children whom I see neglected by their parents in stores on a regular basis. In a split second, a predator could swoop a little one up and be gone, while the parent is perusing the clothing racks or what-have-you. I have seen mothers try to reason with a three year-old by wheedling; i.e., "Now, what have I told you about staying by me?" And immediately after the wheedle, the kid runs off again; so out comes another wheedle. Honey, it's time to just snatch that little rascal up and let him know exactly what's what.

Parents, please stop being scared of your children and/or treating them like small adults.   are responsible for their well-being.  They are in your charge, and if you really love them, you will do whatever is necessary to keep them safe. Too many parents are afraid that their children will not love them if the child is disciplined. People, please! How will your children learn if you don't teach them? And by discipline, I don't mean that you take a big stick to them. Get out the dictionary and look up the word discipline. It is not synonymous with beating; nor is it synonymous with punishment. However, punishment should not be a bad word, because sometimes your child needs to be punished, so that she learns that actions have consequences. And if one of your kids has the audacity to threaten you with 911, then you might want to consider going Madea on their behind so that they will know not to EVER even think about uttering those words to you again. And I'm sure Madea wouldn't mind if you keep her on speed dial.