I know the killing by police of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri has some residents in an uproar; and I also know that DWB (driving while black) in some places in America is very real. However, when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Case in point:
The St. Louis County police department planned seminars to teach the department how to interact with the media, yet community activists took issue with the titles of the seminars, calling them racist. The titles were "Meet the Animals" and "Meet the 900-Pound Gorilla." Is the media composed of only black people? If not, why on earth would someone "go there" and play the race card? I don't know about you, but I have often heard the media described as such and worse. It would never have crossed my mind that either of those fliers was referring to me because I know that I'm not a gorilla or an animal (well, I am a human animal).
The police department apologized for the titles of the fliers. Why??? If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't need to apologize. Like I said, when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Granted, the police department might be racist and absolutely must be cleaned out if this is so, and that's where the focus needs to be -- on the real problem. When Iyanla Vanzant visited Ferguson, it seemed that she made some real progress and had what I thought were leaders in the community on the right track. What happened to the steps that were laid out and agreed upon? Getting back on point is the thing to do and not just find anything that your eyes happen to fall upon and make it into something that it isn't. There is already too much negative energy in the world; don't add to it.
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Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.