Read an article stating that we trust each other less. Is it any wonder? How can you trust someone with whom you have no interaction except through your web connection, which is artificial socializing?
Yes, I use Facebook and I also tweet with people from across the globe, but I know that until I can make a deeper connection, I can't even truthfully say that they are acquaintances. I know nothing about them except what they tell me, and vice versa. Yet, I am not an essentially distrusting person.
The article also discussed the economic gap leading to distrust. Now that might be true for some, but I wouldn't put myself in the category of distrusting another simply because she/he is higher on the economic ladder than I am. How would that help me? Will my being distrustful of a wealthier individual assist me in becoming a bit more flush? I kinda don't think so.
Our society has become a more global one in that we can get up and go nearly anyplace that we want to, but we hang back and become mired in our own solitude at an ever increasing rate because it's easier. Dealing with other people is not always pleasant, and we are becoming a very selfish species. It probably began during the "I'm okay, you're okay" era. Remember that time? For those who weren't born yet, the collective psyche was encouraged to be more self-accepting and more accepting of others, regardless...
So, here we are now being told that we don't trust each other. Well, you and I can decide for ourselves whether we are mistrustful beings or whether we give the other person the benefit of the doubt until we encounter a reason to distrust.
Shake a hand if you can.
And please, share your thoughts with me. I know it's social media, but we can still dialogue; and who knows, we might actually meet someday. Six degrees of separation is an actual reality.
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Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.